Kind Words

Sitting in a “Pay lounge” at Seoul, Korea’s fabulous Incheon Airport, one of the best airports in the world. I had a six hour layover, and for $21 you get a food and beverage buffet and other basic ammenities. It’s crowded today, but what the hell, the two glasses of red wine I’ll drink would easily cost $21 if I bought them at a bar here.

Free wi-fi is all over this airport, and I need to find the free local phones so I can call some good friends in Seoul and apologize for not having enough time to jump on a KAL limmo bus and jam in to see them for lunch.

I like this airport because it’s beautiful, user friendly and they provide many free services.

The wi-fi enabled me to post the following review from the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I’ll be signing copies of STORM DAMAGE on January 11th at 7 PM.

Here’s their review:

Kovacs, Ed. Storm Damage (St Martins $26). New Orleans is well trod ground for crime fiction, historical and contemporary. For our January Surprise Me Pick, Kovacs uses a “Category 5 hurricane”—read Katrina—and its aftermath as the landscape for a case worked by former cop, now dojo owner Cliff St James. Five months into recovery, his dojo pretty much wrecked, St. James gets a client. Why St. James? The night the hurricane struck was his last night after 8 years on the job. And the night he was called to Sam Siu’s bar The Tiki Hut where a body lay dead on the floor. The office safe hung open, empty. And already on the murder scene was the cop, rumored dirty, sleeping with St. James’ former wife. Now Sam’s daughter Twee wants….Oops, no spoilers. Let’s say it gets complicated, lots of players. And if it doesn’t kill St. James, it may transform his life. The Montagnards figure in—and if you don’t know who they are, you should.

And here’s a link to Poisoned Pen:

Strange to think I’ll be back in the States after almost a year. We’re in 2012 now, and like someone said, “Let’s hope the Mayans were wrong!”

1 Comment
  1. I agree. I hope the Myans are wrong.

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